Page name: A lesson in spelling [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-30 19:05:52
Last author: Seamless
Owner: Seamless
# of watchers: 23
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You all know about and are probably quite fond of those people who cannot spell. No I'm not talking about simple typos, or those people who couldn't spell if their life depended on it. This is about all of those people who are too lazy to use correct grammar/punctuation/capitalization, so on and so forth.


My friend [Dragon Flash] made this one. THANK YOU SO MUCH!! <3<3<3

Lesson #1
Lesson 1 - You

Lesson #2
Lesson 2 - The 'your' group

Lesson #3
Lesson 3 - What

Lesson #4
Lesson 4 - Please

Lesson #5
Lesson 5 - To, too and two

Lesson #6
Lesson 6 - Then and than

Lesson #7

Lesson #8
Where, we're, were

Lesson #9
There, their, they're

Lesson #10
(Just for [Tynuka-Rhytishy])

Soon to come

I will add more later, please give me suggestions.

Username (or number or email):


2004-07-15 [hanhepi]: is y'all an aceptable word? how about a'int. alot of the times i use words like that its to make it feel more like i am actually speaking. (im southern. we talk like that, and worse.) so, are coloquial phrases okay to use, or are they annoying too?

2004-07-15 [Spanakopida]: I don't know, I'm okay with y'all and a'int. A'int is is the dictionary after all...

2004-07-15 [hanhepi]: oh my gosh! i thought y'all was in the dictionary too, but it isn't!! how dare they have a'int, and not y'all. 

2004-07-16 [Spanakopida]: tsk tsk. They have D'oh in the dictionary, but not y'all. What is this world coming to?!

2004-07-19 [Naomi]: howz it goin'?

2004-07-26 [la vie en rose]: :laughs: Sadly, all of the above is true...

2004-08-09 [Naomi]: do da do da

2004-08-24 [Sagacious Turkey]: i sur is glad i knows hoew ta speall

2004-08-24 [Sagacious Turkey]: actually i won a spellin' bee...

2004-08-27 [Naomi]: you did? cool!

2004-08-28 [Blackshire]: I thought a'int was ain't?

2004-08-28 [Sagacious Turkey]: ain't ain't a word

2004-08-28 [Gwendolen]: I think that I should download that program, I'm lousy when it comes to writing in english and with a keyboard, argh! *tries to hang herself to mouse-wire* lol, Anyway, the idea of this wiki is absolutely great! It gives a headache to tresspass a house of some 13 year-old who thinks that writing some own code language is "oh so cool"...

2004-08-29 [Naomi]: heh..yea

2004-08-29 [Zauberin]: OH GOD someone just messaged me with "o i c, u lyk horsies?"

2004-08-29 [Sagacious Turkey]: I spelled dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane for bonus points in class...

2004-08-29 [hanhepi]: i'm not totaly sure i can pronounce that, much less spell it. lol. congrats!

2004-08-30 [Spanakopida]: 0_0;;

2004-09-09 [Kayne]: a new lesson : oke ?

2004-09-11 [Sir Soapy]: aequeosalinocalcalinoceraceoaluminosocupreovitriolic!!! HAR HAR!!! BEAT THAT GARFIELD!!!

2004-09-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch - a village in Whales!!! HAR HAR!!!

2004-09-11 [hanhepi]: that name is long enough to be 1/2 the villages in whale

2004-09-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: I don't understand why they made it that long, it'd be hard if you were a kindergarden trying to write yer adress...

2004-09-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: if you lived there that is...

2004-09-21 [blackeyes]: Please may I put the banner up in my house? I HATE it when people can't spell!!!

2004-09-21 [Kayne]: I just make a smal reference , I hope that is oke ?

2004-09-21 [Spanakopida]: Krungthepmahanakornamornratanakosinmahintarayutthayamahadilokphopnopparatrajathaniburiromudomrajaniwesmahasatharnamornphimarnavatarnsathitsakkattiyavisanukamprasit XD

2004-09-22 [Sagacious Turkey]: AHA!!! you copyed Krungthepmahanakornamornratanakosinmahintarayutthayamahadilokphop twice!!! CHEATER!!!

2004-09-23 [Ukia]: I see this is where bored and imaginative spellers lounge about.

2004-09-23 [Spanakopida]: No I didn't o_o...and it's a village in thiland, go see for yourself.

2004-09-23 [Sagacious Turkey]: darn you...

2004-09-23 [Ukia]: A duel of spelling. 

2004-09-23 [Spanakopida]: =D

2004-09-23 [Ukia]: Hello

2004-09-24 [Sagacious Turkey]: wouldn't that be called a "spelling bee"?

2004-09-25 [Spanakopida]: Oh but "duel" sounds of so much more dramatic!

2004-09-25 [EmJ Taylor]: Hey, all. How did you all find this wiki?

2004-09-25 [Spanakopida]: um...I saw a banner in someones house.

2004-09-25 [Seamless]: They found it 'cause they all know I'm the coolest person on et, so they had to find out what I was doing

2004-09-25 [Ukia]: I saw a banner in someone's house, too. Don't remember who's. . .

2004-09-30 [TamponLollipops]: I love this place!! It actually has intellegent individuals.

2004-09-30 [Sagacious Turkey]: yay! I've been called intellegent! ^_^

2004-09-30 [Ukia]: You mean you're not? 

2004-10-01 [Sagacious Turkey]: I am, but nobody ever says I am.

2004-10-01 [Ukia]: That can be depressing.

2004-10-11 [RedHorizon]: u ppl r so stupid,just cause u dnt knw hw 2 type fast

2004-10-11 [Ukia]: I say that you are stupid because you can't type with proper spelling and grammer.

2004-10-11 [Sagacious Turkey]: Imma rednek an' even I can spell bettern' yoo! j/k

2004-10-12 [TamponLollipops]: No, you don't know how to type fast, thus all the computer jargon.

2004-10-13 [RedHorizon]: haha

2004-10-15 [Ukia]: I can type quite fast. i have amazed people with how fast I can respond to messages.

2004-10-15 [Seamless]: Exactly, you can type fast without having to use all those annoying 'u' shortcuts. It's called pratice and intelligence, the second of which most people I find don't have. Of course all of you in here (with the exceptions of the assholes who dis this place) are intelligent, so I'm not calling you stupid.

2004-10-15 [Ukia]: Understandable. I really hate it when people use the abbreviations (sp). It drives me nuts sometimes trying to figure out what someone's trying to say.

2004-10-15 [Seamless]: I know! That's the worst, when they use so many abbreviations that you can hardly understand what they're trying to say.

2004-10-15 [Ukia]: It's insane! How can they expect anyone to understand what they say? It's crazy.

2004-10-16 [Ukia]: I think it'll be interesting to deal with "don't know" and "donno"

2004-10-16 [Sagacious Turkey]: it's dunno

2004-10-16 [Ukia]: I really don't care. Whatever doesn't make the little red lines appear beneath the word works for me.

2004-10-16 [Sagacious Turkey]: [HOE!]- a good example of a bad example

2004-10-16 [CrystalBlaze]: hey what I miss in the last few weeks

2004-10-18 [ArchangelGabriel]: If get... Anoyed... by people who can't spell, and there's no way of escaping, then maybe you could help build up the ditionary of TXT to help others learn this strange and unusual language

2004-10-18 [Sagacious Turkey]: I added 18 of em'... what about stuff like these; :-)  :-X  8-)... etc.?

2004-10-18 [ArchangelGabriel]: i think they're a little self explanitry, maybe if the page gets popular

2004-10-19 [Ukia]: I think we need a lesson called There, they're, & their

2004-10-19 [Sagacious Turkey]: and theyer

2004-10-20 [ArchangelGabriel]: sorry I was tired, any way it's been corrected

2004-10-25 [Ukia]: meow

2004-10-26 [ArchangelGabriel]: I thought this was a lesson in english not cat?

2004-10-26 [Ocean Dreaming]: How about a lesson of 'I vs i'? ;) its/it's is another favourite mistake of people. And of course such fast-typing created errors like 'taht' and 'teh'. ;) This is a good idea though. ^-^

2004-10-27 [ArchangelGabriel]: I think your being a little bit to (or possibly too) picky.

2004-10-27 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ah yes, after haveing a look at you lesson it is infact too

2004-10-27 [Ocean Dreaming]: Who? Me? I'm a writer. Did you expect any less?

2004-10-27 [Ukia]: I am a writer as well. We of the writing profession are very particular about spelling and grammar.

2004-10-28 [sugar_n_spicy]: i luv abrev. so mch tat u hve truble redin

2004-10-28 [sugar_n_spicy]: scrw u & ur prper language

2004-10-28 [ArchangelGabriel]: can you help me on the TXT dictionary?

2004-10-28 [Ocean Dreaming]: Besides the text at the top reads: correct grammar/punctuation/capitalization. Everything mentioned is included in that however specific it might be. ;)

2004-10-29 [sugar_n_spicy]: ha

2004-10-29 [sugar_n_spicy]: lmao

2004-10-29 [Solitiaum]: ppl for people, "that there thing", their, there, and they're, aint, are not, contractions in general... (more grammar, i know, but still... just some suggestions)

2004-11-03 [CrystalBlaze]: hey

2004-11-04 [Seamless]: Gee, I haven't been on in awhile, this page got more popular than I thought it would...okay so there's only about 4 people who talk in it but shh...

2004-11-04 [Leelo]: cool wiki

2004-11-05 [Ukia]: Is it just me, or are there some people here that not only 1) need spellng lessons, but 2) need to be sat on so they attend class?

2004-11-05 [Leelo]: heh I need help on spelling!! lol

2004-11-06 [sugar_n_spicy]: sat on??? your a lil mean...common spellin dosn't effect anythin

2004-11-06 [Leelo]: ummmm.......

2004-11-06 [Ocean Dreaming]: It affects our sanity. May I ask you, [sugar_n_spicy], why you are here if you clearly do not care about the intention of the page?

2004-11-06 [Solitiaum]: ummmm... i like pie... and cows. moo. o.o;;

2004-11-06 [Leelo]: lol me likes CHICKENS!!!! QUACK!!!

2004-11-06 [Solitiaum]: uhm... thas DUCKIES chickens go... dang, what DO chickens say?!?

2004-11-06 [Leelo]: the go HIE HIE!!!!

2004-11-06 [Solitiaum]: eh? >.o;

2004-11-06 [Leelo]: hie hie!!! ^^

2004-11-06 [Solitiaum]: oook... >.o;;

2004-11-06 [Leelo]: lol ^^ So hows you??

2004-11-07 [Solitiaum]: I okies, you?

2004-11-07 [Leelo]: OKIES!!!

2004-11-07 [Solitiaum]: yayness! .... LETS MAKE BISCUITS!!!

2004-11-07 [Leelo]: YAY!!!!!!!!! *bakes biscuits*

2004-11-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: CLUCK CLUCK!!!

2004-11-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: MOOOO!!!

2004-11-07 [Sagacious Turkey]: know what I'm having for lunch? I think I'll have a bit of an identity crisis... *chews hay*


2004-11-08 [Solitiaum]: bisquits... mmmmmmmm....

2004-11-08 [Leelo]: Yuppy!!! Want one?

2004-11-08 [Ukia]: *ponders concept of identity crisis*

2004-11-08 [Leelo]: hm what's up?

2004-11-09 [Solitiaum]: *can make busquits from scratch*

2004-11-09 [Leelo]: *makes bisquits from scratch as well*

2004-11-09 [Solitiaum]: nummy hot from the oven and all warm an smothered wiv butter an jelly ^.^

2004-11-09 [Leelo]: YUMMY!!!! ^^

2004-11-09 [Solitiaum]: o.o -goes to make buscuits!-

2004-11-09 [Leelo]: O.o'; I thought you already made some..or was that me....?';

2004-11-09 [Solitiaum]: i meant irl, lol...

2004-11-10 [Leelo]:^^';

2004-11-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: squeek!

2004-11-10 [Leelo]: *dies*

2004-11-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: mmm... snickerdoodle... *eats you*

2004-11-10 [Leelo]: *ghost come to haunt you* Was I yummy?

2004-11-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: yup... a bit stale though...

2004-11-10 [Leelo]: ..........>.<'; How rude......

2004-11-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: he he...

2004-11-10 [Leelo]: lol

2004-11-10 [Solitiaum]: stale... o.o;; was she crunchy or soggy...? >.o??

2004-11-10 [Leelo]: -.-' I was just rite!!

2004-11-10 [Solitiaum]: hehehe

2004-11-10 [Sagacious Turkey]: do you have any idea how perverted this conversation sounds? *twitches*

2004-11-10 [Leelo]: ummmm no....

2004-11-11 [Solitiaum]:  >.o no, not all of us live in the gutter 24/7...

2004-11-11 [Leelo]: I dunno what anyone is talking about all I know is gardfield ate me and I asked how was I and he said good but a little stale then I said how rude and you said stale? crunchy or soggy? and somehow someone interrpreted it as perverded....>.<

2004-11-11 [Solitiaum]: lol, i dunno either, hehe XD

2004-11-11 [Solitiaum]: *perverted ..... *twitches*

2004-11-11 [Leelo]: huh?

2004-11-12 [Solitiaum]: spelling error.... in the classroom for spelling... *twitches*

2004-11-12 [Leelo]: ok....

2004-11-13 [CrystalBlaze]: hey

2004-11-13 [Leelo]: HOWDY!!!!

2004-11-19 [Jeesum Crowe]: Hello! I like this place. It brings back memories of when I was twelve (merely two years ago, too) when I used the dreaded letters-and-number-for-words deal. I'm not sure why, but when I got out of it I felt so much more intelligent. Not that I wasn't, I just didn't look it. Anyway, this place is great. Funny-being, it is. Also, I have a few suggestions. The 8 words, IE 'sk8,' 'l8er,' and 'gr8.' Very annoying.

2004-11-19 [Leelo]: Yeha your telling me lol

2004-11-19 [Solitiaum]: L33T! Ahhhhh!! *runs around screaming until she knocks herself out by running into a telephone pole* @_@

2004-11-19 [Leelo]: *looks at you oddly* You ok?^^';

2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: I'm also surprised this hasn't covered 'r' and 'rite' and 'luv' and 'eva,' 'wuteva,' '4eva...' the list goes on

2004-11-20 [Leelo]: I know!!! I mean it's like you can't hardly understand what they are saying!!! It doesn't take tha much effort to spell the words out

2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: 'sry,' 'nvm,' 'dun...'

2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: 'i no!!1 i men its lyk u cant hardly understand wut they r sying!1! it dun take that much ffort 2 spell teh words out' I am having fun.

2004-11-20 [Leelo]: lol hahahaha I can tell lol yeah it don't! lol note lol is fine you know? Cuz it seems pointles spelling out laugh out loud all the time

2004-11-20 [Jeesum Crowe]: lol is fine when not used excessively. Then it loses meaning, eh?! EH?! I like lmao for no apparent reason, though.

2004-11-20 [Leelo]: lol I like lamo and rofl hahahaha I use them alot lol

2004-11-20 [Ukia]: *stares blankly into space*

2004-11-21 [Leelo]: *strea blankly at you*

2004-11-21 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: *just randomly enters the conversation* I'm telling you, people are starting to share neurons.

2004-11-21 [Leelo]: neurons? What ya mean?

2004-11-21 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: They're scarce.

2004-11-21 [Leelo]: Yeah lol

2004-11-21 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You know, they did a study. People, nowadays, replace a period, or, if I might, "interpret" it, as a laugh. Haven't you noticed? They same something and where the period/comma would go...They just laugh, even if it's not funny.

2004-11-21 [Leelo]: lol hahahahahahaa when you put it that way it is funny!

2004-11-21 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Oh my, it's an epidemic.

2004-11-21 [Leelo]: what?

2004-11-21 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: The laughing period!

2004-11-21 [Leelo]: hahahaha laughter is great! Good for the soul I always say

2004-11-21 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Well, good for the body too. Increases blood flow, contracts and relaxes abdominal musles AND releases endorphins or, put more simply, happy hormones!

2004-11-21 [Leelo]: lol YAY!!!!!!! HAPPY HORMONES!!! YAY!!!!!!

2004-11-21 [Jeesum Crowe]: Oh, lord.

2004-11-21 [Leelo]: lol....

2004-11-22 [Solitiaum]: Oh gods... Someone got her started... *hides*

2004-11-22 [Leelo]: What? Got who started *looks around*

2004-11-22 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: *blinks* Why Golly Gee, she's smitten with glee!

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: *stares blankly* Whos smitten with glee?

2004-11-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Ahem...You!

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: Oh!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!! I AMMMMMMMM!!!! *dances around happily* I AM SOOOOOOO HAAAAAAAPPY!!!

2004-11-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: :)YEY!

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: lol so hows you?!?!?! hie hie hie

2004-11-23 [Seamless]: I personally think 'lol' should die. It bugs me...unless people laugh that much, even at that I mean, if you want to get picky it should be 'ialol' 'I am laughing out loud'. *twitches at all the lol's in the comments*

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: ialol hahahaha sorry I really do laugh that much ialol

2004-11-23 [Seamless]: Heh, I shall breed a new species of lol !!!

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: YES YES!!!!!!!! ialol

2004-11-23 [Seamless]: My plan is working out nicely...*big evil guy looking grin* I should probably update the lessons huh?

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: ialol YESH!!!!!!

2004-11-23 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: so it would be.....ialmao....and iaroflmao?

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: ialmao

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: iafofl

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: iarofl***

2004-11-23 [Jeesum Crowe]: Wait, but 'I' is never anything you put in that type of form. Example: 'the Cat is Eating the Dog' becomes 'CED' because small words like 'the' and 'am' and 'and' and such are that unimportant, aren't they?

2004-11-23 [Leelo]: who knows, it's pretty fun though

2004-11-24 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Exactly, thankiu, Jeesum. You put it into such pretty words.

2004-11-24 [Leelo]: lol yeah...

2004-11-24 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I love you.

2004-11-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: What... just happened?

2004-11-24 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Hormones.

2004-11-24 [Jeesum Crowe]: pregnancy hormones?

2004-11-24 [Leelo]: HAPPY HORMONES!!!!

2004-11-24 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: No, teenage hormones.

2004-11-24 [Leelo]: Where?

2004-11-24 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: From the pituitaria.

2004-11-24 [Leelo]: lol

2004-11-26 [Seamless]: Happy hormones again?....what have I told you? Take it to one of the lesson links :P

2004-11-27 [Leelo]: lalalalaalalalalalalaalalalllllllllalalalalaaaaaaaaaaallllllalaalalalalalaalaa

2004-11-27 [Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ?

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